Friday, March 12, 2010

You Cannot Give Up

Below is an excerpt from the February issue of Science of Mind. The article was titled "Loving Who You Are". As a woman in today's world and all of it's expectations ...that is a tall order on some days. Not on the easy days. The concept is easy when you are "on" and getting it all done for everyone and can check off most of the ridiculous amount of boxes each day and still sort of liking who is staring back at you when you happen to glance in the mirror. Those are the easy days I think for most women. Harder to love yourself when you feel overwhelmed, underwhelmed, less productive by insane standards, not chipper, and the armor is beyond dinged up.... this described acceptance of self in a way that deeply touched me. To think of my "self" as a friend. Treat her like your best friend with grace and a loving ear and kind feedback.

Yet, I will sit down with myself, put a silky arm around my bony shoulders, sit and pray and be. I will not harm this self by wishing for a different moment. I will not push her aside, anxious to move on. I will sit with this self and be her friend. I will sit there until the sun goes down and rises and burns itself out. I will never leave. She will feel my love and heal herself. She will know what to do and when to do it.

- You cannot give up on some aspect of yourself or life and believe in abundant Grace at the same time. Self judgement doesn't keep you savvy. It keeps you ignorant and uninvolved with reality. You will never uncover your true destiny if you can't forgive yourself for yesterday's choices. You are always doing the best you can in any given moment.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last line of that post. So true, so inspiring, thank you! Love you! See you hopefully soon.


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